Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Installing ARM Tool Chain

1.  Copy ARM folder to desktop.
2. Open Terminal do cd Desktop/ARM/arm_tool_chain then press enter.
3. Type chmod 777 arm_install.sh  (Changing the permissions of arm_install.sh .). press enter.
4. Type sudo apt-get install arm_install.sh (press enter and type your password this will install your arm tool chain).
5. If above step doesn’t work use ./arm_install.sh or sudo ./arm_install.sh.  (press enter and type your password).Restart your PC.
6.To check whether arm tool chain is installed or not in command prompt type arm and press two time tab arm tool chain related file if shown means tool chain is installed otherwise it is not there.
7. If you face an error like libtercap.so.2 permission denied or something similar to that  while compiling then you just need to trace this file and change its permssions. 
8.You will find this file in filesystem/user/lib go there and search and change the permission using chmod libtercap.so.2

to download setup and respective material click here Arm tool chain and Material.
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